28 September 2008


there are some stories that are just not appropriate to post on the internet. but i have some good ones about scissors.

right now, i have so many pairs of scissors. a purple pair, a clear pair, two blues, an orange, two pinks, and some straight up metal ones. i'm not sure why i have all of these scissors, but it seems that when i desperately need a pair, none of them are anywhere to be found.


carmen said...

I think you drew a pair of scissors a few years ago that I were on your bulletin board for awhile. And I think that the inspiration for those was one of those inappropriate stories you alluded to.

What's the inspiration for these?

Bradley Kerl said...

scissors are definitely one of those things you always need, but never have.

also included on my list of these things that most people never have when you need them: lighter, knife, nail clippers, tape.